Salt Ranch Welcomes 2024!!

This year we are very excited for some big changes around here. Our carpet cleaning business is doing better than it ever has and we are hopeful for a record breaking year. David will pursue a new path and we are excited for the change and to watch how it plays out. On a more related Salt Ranch tangent, we have plans to add horses back into the mix, add on to the run for the chickens, fence in a portion of our back woods for the goats, finish the worlds longest fire pit project, fix the ground in the run in shed, add a driveway and parking area in front of the guest house, refurbish the fencing around the property and put new siding on the guest house. I also plan to do a cutting garden instead of some of the veggies this spring. And that is just getting started… who knows what other projects this year has in store.

Just in the first two days David and Mom dug drainage for the goat pen, Dad wired electricity to heat the equine water, Mom and Dad moved the horse mats to the floor of the run in shed for the donkeys, Dad bribed the construction guys out front with a beer and a $20 to dump three loads of road base in our front yard (for the driveway and run in shed,) and David, Manny, Mom and I filled in the last layer of stones for the fire pit. I also finished scraping and sanding my cat tree.

We are off to a good start! If I can keep up with the blogging, it will give a great picture of what it really looks like to keep up with this dream. Cheers 2024!


Why Amazon Activator is not Awesome…


Farewell 2023