Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Goats for Sale
We have a small herd of Nigerian Dwarf Goats. We chose this breed because we have small children on the ranch often, because they are a good brush goat as well as producers of a sweet and delicious milk. We don’t breed them often, but we do have kids available from time to time. We are also currently adding a registered line to our herd! Stay tuned for that! We would love to share our experience with you and provide you with an amazing animal for a pet, breeding, or milking. Contact us to be placed on our waiting list! Our kids range from $200-$800 each. Click here to see what we have available.
About Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Nigerian Dwarf Goats are known for their small size (about 19” average,) colorful markings, playfulness, and surprisingly high level of milk production. They make fantastic pets, as they have a calm, even temperament and can be handled easily. They are approved by the US Dept. of Agriculture as a livestock dairy goat, so they can be used for show and for 4H and FFA projects as well.
See and Play
Our goat pens are set up for play and visiting. Our ranch is a fun place for kids, and we love to show off our herd. We can give tours and lessons on how to care for these goats. Many of our goats are bottle fed, so they are extremely friendly, cuddly and love to play with their human friends. Salt Ranch is a great place for an introduction to a small working goat ranch. Call us for a tour!
Goat Accommodations
If you want to bring home a goat, you need to have proper fencing, a sizable pen and adequate space for grazing. They need shelter from the elements; fresh hay and straw for bedding; places to play, climb and jump; and protection from predators. We are happy to share our methods with you - just shoot us an email and will answer your questions and prepare you for taking them home!
Meet Our Herd!

Our Randy Buck - Whiskey

Does - Brandy and Kahli

Does - Ginny and Jager

All our kids are bottle fed

All of our kids are bottle fed

Blue Eyed Female Kid

Kids at play!

Hi from the winter nursery!

Easy access to hay from inside the feeder

A little outdoor time on a nicer day

Goat Yoga anyone?

Blue eyed buckling with Wattles


I am too old for the nursery, mum!

Our doe - Kahli

Kahli Posing

Stud services available - Blue eyes, wattles, amazing disposition.

Stud services available - Blue eyes, wattles, amazing disposition.

Stud services available - Blue eyes, wattles, amazing disposition.

Blue Eyed Buckling with wattles and moon spots!

Blue Eyed Buckling - Wattles and Moonspots!

Two buckings before they left us!

Blue Eyed Buckling!

Blue Eyed Buckling - looks just like Mum...