Salt Ranch Rabbitry
We are a small-scale, bespoke rabbitry. We raise high quality, registered and pedigreed Satin rabbits. We carefully and patiently breed and handle our bunnies with love and pampering, making them amazing pets - the softest bunny you will ever handle!
About Satins
Satin Rabbits are Calm, gentle, docile, and quite well mannered. They are good with children. We hand raise our bunnies to ensure they are friendly. It is important to socialize them to keep them friendly and cuddly. The Satin is also an excellent multipurpose rabbit. They are well-suited to market pen classes, as well as producing meat for the family table. As a show animal, the Satin is very competitive. If you’d like a bunny that feels like silk and shines beautifully in the sun this is the breed for you.
Pet Bunnies
We offer baby bunnies as young as 6 weeks to take home as pets! Our bunnies are from a registered line of Satin Rabbits and have been handled since birth - they are friendly, calm and can be litter trained. They are good indoors or outside in a pen large enough to keep them busy and entertained!
Meat Rabbits
Satins are an underappreciated breed and are an excellent meat rabbit. They are large enough to provide a good ratio, they grow fast and dress out well. Commercial breeds such as Californians and New Zealands are the most common choices due to their long history and purpose as fast-growing meat rabbits with excellent meat to bone ratio. However, the Satin is equally good as a producer of food for the family table.
Show Rabbits
There are 11 varieties of Satin Rabbits accepted today by the American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association. Our rabbits are show quality animals from a line of show rabbits here in Fort Worth. Contact us for more information!

Our handsome Buck Carlisle

Our Doe - Esme

Blue Kit - 4 wks

Blue Kit with Grey Eyes - 5 wks

Cleaning the kindling box before they open their eyes prevents nest eye.